Mentoring the Meitarim Communities
Ongoing mentoring of the 20 integrated (religious-secular) communities in the network, in addition to facilitating in-depth development processes in 7 of those communities. The processes include, among other things, supporting new mixed communities on a range of core issues, professional assistance in leading the communities, and establishing optimal communication patterns in the mixed communities.
Several professional forums were held and attended by community members and leaders. The forums gave them an opportunity to learn from their colleagues and provided professional enrichment regarding common dilemmas and challenges their communities face.
Unique Programs
1. Tarbuta – A program that focuses on developing a culture in integrated communities. Meetings over Zoom were held to help participants prepare for Jewish and Israeli holidays and events in their respective communities and a WhatsApp group was opened, which serves as a platform for discussions and sharing advice.
2. Chalon La’Ruach (“Window to the Spirit”) – The program was opened with the support of the Honey Foundation for Israel and serves as a lab for researching the essence of spiritual leadership in the community. Eleven participants studied the subject together and experimented with different developmental tools and techniques.
The Integrated Community Shabbat
Twenty-two integrated communities – both member communities and non-member communities – took part in Meitarim’s first national Shabbat celebration. The Shabbat was preceded by preparatory Zoom meetings and individual sessions as well as promotional material inside and outside of the communities. Over the course of the weekend, 65 events took place including Kabbalat Shabbat, facilitated discussions for adults, facilitated discussions for teenagers and interactive family-friendly activities.
Network-wide Events
A memorial event was held to commemorate the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin z”l. Community members, school principals, teachers and students participated. Ten Tisha B’Av events were held in the communities, under the leadership of the Chalon La’Ruach program participants and accompanied by the Meitarim staff.
Connection and Communication
Content related to shared society was created by the Meitarim staff and members of the communities and distributed via a monthly newsletter (with a mailing list of 4,500 people), to the “Members of Integrated Communities” Facebook page (with over 1,000 members) and a WhatsApp group for community leaders. These outlets provide a platform where community leaders can share knowledge and assist one another. To register for the newsletter>>
Looking Forward
Professional training days for community leaders, community mentors and Meitarim staff members will focus on educating these leaders on a range of subjects and exposing them to other communities in the network through tours and meetings.
Establishing a group for spiritual leaders in integrated communities, made up of graduates of the “Chalon La’Ruach” program and future graduates of this program.
Developing content which brings together knowledge that has been developed and amassed from the Integrated Community Shabbat and different forums and making it accessible to the general public through a range of online platforms.